  25-01-11 23:45 来自:移动端

留言内容 标题: Block 留言内容: Hello I want to buy an automatic block making machine and I want to ship it to Syria. What is the price including the delivery fees to Syria? 联系人: 004917277128277 联系电话: 00491727718277 邮箱: adel.skrak@gmail.com


  24-12-22 14:06 来自:网页

留言内容 标题: brick making equipment 留言内容: Hello I am interested in equipment for the production of hyper-pressed bricks. I am from Kazakhstan my name is Khasen. Tell me which of these equipment will fit in a 40-foot container so that there are no problems with logistics. Then please send me more information photos videos as well as the cost. my number is +77015887760 there is a WhatsApp here 联系人: Sapaly beton 联系电话: +77015887760 邮箱: DavletovKhassen@gmail.com


  24-10-17 04:55 来自:网页

留言内容 标题: FLYASH BLOCKS (BRICKS) MAKING COMPLETE SYSTEM 留言内容: We are interested in fly-ash blocks (bricks) making complete system. Block (brick) size: Our desired brick size is 9” x 4.5” x 3” (228.6 x 114.3 x 76.2 mm) Required Block Quantity: 100000 block per 8 hours Kindly confirm your interest and please advise available options from your company at your earliest and oblige. 联系人: USMAN KAUSAR 联系电话: +92 300 847 2332 邮箱: usman@3aintl.com


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